Component cleaning from the waste incineration plant by low-pressure spray washer




General Section



General manufacturing, e.g. machinery, equipment, vehicles, other transport equipment
Electricity, steam, gas water supply and sewage treatment


Cleaning agent


Manual maintenance(cleaning and repair) of machinery

Product category

washing ad cleaning products


Cleaning of dirt residues in an incineration plant


A well-known waste disposer and energy supplier from Germany substituted hydrocarbon solvents with heated aqueous cleaner on a wash stand. This cleaning method is used to remove mud, dust, oil and grease of components from repair- and maintenance purpose.

Substituted substances


CAS No. EC No. Index No.

Chemical group


Alternative Substances

Sodium silicate

CAS No. 6834-92-0 EC No. 229-912-9 Index No. 014-010-00-8

Chemical group

Sodium compounds; silicates

Classification: hazard statements

H335 May cause respiratory irritation
H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage

Potassium hydroxide

CAS No. 1310-58-3 EC No. 215-181-3 Index No. 019-002-00-8

Chemical group

Potassium compounds; hydroxides

Classification: hazard statements

H302 Harmful if swallowed
H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage

Sodium etasulfate

CAS No. 126-92-1 EC No. 204-812-8 Index No.

Chemical group

Sodium compounds; sulfates

Reliability of information

Evidence of assessment: there is evidence of an official (positive) assessment of the substitution

Reason substitution

other toxic effects

Other type of alternative

Low-pressure spray washer

Hazard Assessment

Substance to be substituted: Hydrocarbon solvents is not listed in the SUBSPORTplus Database and has no harmonised classification according to Annex VI of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP Regulation). Alternative substances: The alternative product is a strong alkaline cleaning concentrate, which includes potassium hydroxide. It is not listed in the SUBSPORTplus Database. Disodium metasilicate is not listed in the SUBSPORTplus Database and has no harmonised classification according to Annex VI of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP Regulation). Sodium etasulfate is not listed in the SUBSPORTplus Database and has no harmonised classification according to Annex VI of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP Regulation).

Description of Substitution

The waste incineration plant was established in 1979. Meanwhile, the plant was repeatedly extended and reconstructed. The filtering systems were completely modernised and the plant since, environmentally up to date.The area covered contains 950.000 citizens. Accepted are wastes from homes, industry, bulk waste, which can be delivered by trade, private or communal costumers. At the beginning components from the plant soiled by mud, dust, oil and grease were cleaned by cleaning agent on a wash stand. The cleaner was a liquid compound composed of a liquid of hydro-carbons, which was used at room temperature. Due to environment and health concerns, a hot washer (Universal-Sprüh-Schnellwäscher 1000 SR) was selected. It is fitted with open spray cleaning at low pressure. The water is heated to 95°C and the parts dry rapidly. Nonetheless the jet does not cause scalding on skin, because it is a very finely sprayed mist. As a support in the cleaning process the enterprise used an alkaline cleaning agent. The component cleaning is done manually using rags, brushes etc. in addition. The cleaning process is performed by a closed loop system and the cleaning agent is added automatically. According to the user the cost of the alternative process was lower than cleaning with the substituted cleaner, because the new cleaner which was cheaper and the resulting costs were also lower. In 2009 the user decided to clean large parts out of the service station.

Case/substitution evaluation

This case exemplifies the possibility of using a safer alternative for the cleaning of machine parts, valves and similar. However, the alternative is a strong alkaline concentrate (pH > 11) but in the cleaning dilution of 3% is used.

State of implementation

Not in use

Date and place of implementation

2004 to 2009 in Germany

Enterprise using the alternative

See contact: information supplier

Availability of Alternative

on the market


See contact: information supplier

Type of information supplier



Supplier of equipment: Supplier of alternative substance: 

Further information

More information could be found in the Cleantool-Database:

Date, reviewed

November 26, 2021