Surface treatment of plywood




General Section



Manufacture of wood and wood products
Building and construction work


Plating agent


Industrial spraying
Non industrial spraying
Roller application or brushing
Manual activities involving hand contact

Product category

nin-metal-surface treatment products


Surface treatment


Insurface treatment of plywood an acid-cured primer and top-by 94 % and reduces the amount and number of classified ingredients with carcinogenic and reprotoxic effects. The alternative still contains a small percentage of an additive that may cause cancer. Further research isneeded to eliminate this.

Substituted substances


CAS No. 50-00-0 EC No. 200-001-8 Index No. 605-001-00-5

Chemical group


Classification: hazard statements

H350 May cause cancer
H341 Suspected of causing genetic defects
H331 Toxic if inhaled
H311 Toxic in contact with skin
H301 Toxic if swallowed
H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage
H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction

Other adverse effects

The substance is: 1 carcinogen (IARC) as listed in the Substance Database according to SUBSPORT Screening Criteria (SDSC).


CAS No. 556-67-2 EC No. 209-136-7 Index No. 014-018-00-1

Chemical group


Classification: hazard statements

H361f Suspected of damaging fertility
H410 Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects

Other adverse effects

The substance is: endocrine disruptor (SIN List), endocrine disruptor cat. 1 (EU EDC database) as listed in the Substance Database according to SUBSPORT Screening Criteria (SDSC).

Naphtha, light arom.

CAS No. 64742-95-6 EC No. 265-199-0 Index No. 649-356-00-4

Chemical group


Classification: hazard statements

H350 May cause cancer
H340 May cause genetic defects
H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways

n-Butyl acetate

CAS No. 123-86-4 EC No. 204-658-1 Index No. 607-025-00-1

Chemical group

Carboxylic acid esters

Classification: hazard statements

H226 Flammable liquid and vapour
H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness


CAS No. 71-36-3 EC No. 200-751-6 Index No. 603-004-00-6

Chemical group


Classification: hazard statements

H226 Flammable liquid and vapour
H302 Harmful if swallowed
H335 May cause respiratory irritation
H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness
H315 Causes skin irritation
H318 Causes serious eye damage

Orthophosphoric acid

CAS No. 7664-38-2 EC No. 231-633-2 Index No. 015-011-00-6

Chemical group

Inorganic acid

Classification: hazard statements

H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage

Other adverse effects

Strong inorganic acid mists: 1 carcinogen (IARC) as listed in the Substance Database according to SUBSPORT Screening Criteria (SDSC).

Alternative Substances

Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light paraffinic

CAS No. 64742-55-8 EC No. 265-158-7 Index No. 649-468-00-3

Chemical group


Classification: hazard statements

H350 May cause cancer


CAS No. 124-68-5 EC No. 204-709-8 Index No. 603-070-00-6

Chemical group

Amino compounds; hydroxy compounds, alcohols substituted

Classification: hazard statements

H315 Causes skin irritation
H319 Causes serious eye irritation
H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects

Reliability of information

Evidence of assessment: there is evidence of an official (positive) assessment of the substitution
Evidence of implementation: there is evidence that the solution was implemented and in use at time of publication
Internet information: data are from an internet document and only a basic and partial evaluation could be performed

Reason substitution

skin/respiratory sensitizing

Hazard Assessment

Substances to be substituted: The traditional system contains a total of 47% of 6 classified ingredients (formaldehyde, octamethyl cyclotetrasiloxane, solvent naphtha, n-butyl acetate, n-butyl alcohol, ortho phosphoric acid). Formaldehyde may cause cancer cat. 1B, according to Annex VI of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP Regulation). It fulfils the criteria to be listed in the Substance Database according to SUBSPORTplus Screening Criteria (SDSC). Octamethyl cyclotetrasiloxane is a Substance of very high concern and is included on the REACH restriction list, according to Article 73 of Regulation (EG) No. 1907/2006. (REACH Regulation). Solvent naphtha may cause cancer cat. 1B, according to Annex VI of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP Regulation). It fulfils the criteria to be listed in the Substance Database according to SUBSPORTplus Screening Criteria (SDSC). N-Butyl acetate is not listed in the SUBSPORTplus Database. N-butyl alcohol is not listed in the SUBSPORTplus Database. Orthophosphoric acid is not listed in the SUBSPORTplus Database. Alternative substances: The new system contains a total of 5.6% of the two classified ingredients. Light paraffinic distillates may cause cancer cat. 1A, according to Annex VI of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP Regulation). It fulfils the criteria to be listed in the Substance Database according to SUBSPORTplus Screening Criteria (SDSC). 2-Amino-2-methylpropanol is not listed in the SUBSPORTplus Database.

Description of Substitution

The possibilities for substitution of surface treatment ofplywood were analysed as part of a project performed for the Danish EPA. The aim was to get an overview over current possibilities of substitution in traditional surface treatments in the wood- and furnitureindustry and assess the consequences for health, environment and performance. The project group assessed the coating systems (preliminary treatment, primer, coating and finishing treatment) based on a declaration of all ingredients. Not all substances are identified with a CAS-number, some are identified in groups like binders. A traditional system in use in Danish companies was compared to a new system. Plywood is traditionally coated with an acid-cured primer and top-coating and this was compared to two layers of water-based lacquer. The new system does not fully live up to the traditional, but the difference is small. Especially concerning resistance to alcohol, coffee and scratches the traditional coating has better test results. In the traditional surface treatment a product containing 6 classified ingredients amounting to 47% of the product was used. Several of the substances are classified as carcinogenic or reprotoxic. In the new system the water based primer contains two classified ingredients amounting to 4.8% of the product. The project concludes that a 92% reduction of emission of solvents is obtained by the substitution and that this is a major positive effect of the substitution concerning occupational and environmental health.

Case/substitution evaluation

In this case story formaldehyde, octamethyl cyclotetrasiloxane and solvent naphthacould besubstituted. Hereby a substantial amount of carcinogenic and reprotoxic substances could be avoided. The alternative product still contains a small percentage of a substance that may cause cancer, and SUBSPORTplus therefore suggests further research for an alternative to this additive.

State of implementation

In use

Date and place of implementation



Type of information supplier



Danish EPA

Type of publication and availability

Scientific publication. Freely available for download. Report in Danish, summary in EN

Publication source: author, company, institute, year

Nielsen, P.K., Poulsen, P.B., Bjarnov, E., Lerbak, H,D., Hawkins, S.: Substitution af diffundérbare råvarer i UV-hærdende lakker til træmøbler. Miljøprojekt Nr. 1353 2010. Danish Environmental Protection Agency, 2010

Publication source

Type of publication and availability

Date, reviewed

November 26, 2021