Fire-resistant and flame proof coating for polymeric thermoplastics and thermoset resins.




General Section



Building and construction work
Manufacture of rubber products
Manufacture of plastics products, including compounding and conversion


Flame retardant


Roller application or brushing
Non industrial spraying
Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Product category

nin-metal-surface treatment products


Flame retardant in coatings of glass, textiles and other fibres


A surface coating consisting of fire retarding and smoke suppressing constituents dispersed in an essentially non-toxic, water based adhesive binder. The entire invention therefore consists of six different functional groups which respective functions will be explained below, the different groups are: catalyst/initiator, expendable graphite, source of carbon which additionally forms water, a blowing agent, cement and ceramics.

Substituted substances


CAS No. 1163-19-5 EC No. 214-604-9 Index No.

Chemical group

Bromine compounds; ethers

Other adverse effects

The substance is: on the OSPAR list of substances of possible concern, endocrine disruptor (SIN List),  as listed in the Substance Database according to SUBSPORT Screening Criteria (SDSC)

Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD)

CAS No. 3194-55-6, 25637-99-4 EC No. 221-695-9, 247-148-4 Index No.

Chemical group

Brominated flame retardants

Other adverse effects

The substance is: fulfilling PBT criteria (EC PBT working group), as listed in the Substance Database according to SUBSPORT Screening Criteria (SDSC)

Antimony trioxide

CAS No. 1309-64-4 EC No. 215-175-0 Index No. 051-005-00-X

Chemical group

Antimony compounds; metal oxides

Classification: hazard statements

H351 Suspected of causing cancer

Other adverse effects

The substance is: 2B carcinogen (IARC), as listed in the Substance Database according to SUBSPORT Screening Criteria (SDSC).

Methyl methacrylate

CAS No. 80-62-6 EC No. 201-297-1 Index No. 607-035-00-6

Chemical group

Carboxylic acid esters

Classification: hazard statements

H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour
H335 May cause respiratory irritation
H315 Causes skin irritation
H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction


CAS No. 67-64-1 EC No. 200-662-2 Index No. 606-001-00-8

Chemical group


Classification: hazard statements

H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour
H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness
H319 Causes serious eye irritation


CAS No. 108-88-3 EC No. 203-625-9 Index No. 601-021-00-3

Chemical group

Aromatic hydrocarbons

Classification: hazard statements

H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour
H361d Suspected of damaging the unborn child
H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways
H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness
H373 May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure
H315 Causes skin irritation


CAS No. 78-93-3 EC No. 201-159-0 Index No. 606-002-00-3

Chemical group


Classification: hazard statements

H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour
H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness
H319 Causes serious eye irritation


CAS No. 1330-20-7 EC No. 215-535-7 Index No. 601-022-00-9

Chemical group

Aromatic hydrocarbons

Classification: hazard statements

H226 Flammable liquid and vapour
H332 Harmful if inhaled
H312 Harmful in contact with skin
H315 Causes skin irritation


CAS No. 100-42-5 EC No. 202-851-5 Index No. 601-026-00-0

Chemical group

Aromatic hydrocarbons

Classification: hazard statements

H226 Flammable liquid and vapour
H361d Suspected of damaging the unborn child
H332 Harmful if inhaled
H372 Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure
H315 Causes skin irritation
H319 Causes serious eye irritation

Other adverse effects

The substance is: 2B carcinogen (IARC), endocrine disruptor (SIN List), endocrine disruptor cat. 1 (EU EDC database), as listed in the Substance Database according to SUBSPORT Screening Criteria (SDSC).

Alternative Substances

Ammonium polyphosphate

CAS No. 68333-79-9 EC No. 269-789-9 Index No.

Chemical group

Ammonium salts; polyphosphates


CAS No. 68411-66-5 EC No. 270-139-1 Index No.

Chemical group

Phosphates; chlorine compounds

Expandable graphite

CAS No. EC No. Index No.

Chemical group



CAS No. 126-58-9 EC No. 204-794-1 Index No.

Chemical group

Ethers; alcohols


CAS No. 78-24-0 EC No. 201-097-4 Index No.

Chemical group


Mica, potassium aluminum silicate

CAS No. 12001-26-2 EC No. Index No.

Chemical group



CAS No. 108-78-1 EC No. 203-615-4 Index No.

Chemical group

Amino compounds; nitrogen heterocycles

Classification: hazard statements

H351 Suspected of causing cancer
H373 May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure

Reliability of information

Evidence of implementation: there is evidence that the solution was implemented and in use at time of publication

Reason substitution

physical hazards

Hazard Assessment

Substance to be substituted: Some of the flame retardants currently in use contain one or several of the compounds listed under “substances”, substituting these would be preferable from both an environmental and health aspect and if this invention can be as efficient as these “old” flame retardants than it would be a suitable substitute. Alternative substances: None of the alternatives are present in the database of hazardous substances according to SUBSPORTplus Screening Criteria (SDSC) and they have no harmonised classification according to Annex VI of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP Regulation). » Check the Substance Database according to SUBSPORTplus Screening Criteria (SDSC)

Description of Substitution

The substitution covered here originates from a patent document filed in 2006 and describes an invention which consists of a surface coating designed to be smoke suppressing and fire retarding. The right to the invention is owned by Avtec Industries. Contact information is displayed later in this document. The surface coating is water-based and consists of six different parts: a catalyst/initiator, expandable graphite, a carbonific, a blowing agent, cement and ceramics. The catalyst/initiator ideally makes up 30-41% of weight in the dry composition and usually includes some kind of phosphorus containing material such as ammonium polyphosphate. The graphite used in the invention is expandable graphite with an expansion rate of 100:1. The carbonific, or the source of carbon preferably comprises 22-29% per weight of the composition and includes (but is not limited to) dipentaerythriol or tripentaerythriol. The blowing agent in the composition comprises 15,5-17,5% of weight and can for example be melamine. Present in the invention is also cement to 21-25% by weight and some sort of ceramic, preferably mica made into round spheres which comprises 2,5-5% of the composition. In order to apply the mixture, which forms a white powder, to its substrate, some kind of adhesive has to be used. The adhesive can be a synthetic resin or a naturally occurring film forming material, e.g. plant latex. The fire resistant and smoke suppressing compound is preferably foamed prior to application and is wettable and coatable on glass roofings, fabrics and fibres. When applied it has a latent ability to expand or intumesce when exposed to heat.

Case/substitution evaluation

Halogenated flame retardants pose a major environmental problem. This invention promises to be just as effective while essentially non-toxic to both health and environment. The invention described above could be a better alternative but since this is only a patent registration no definitive assessment could be performed.

State of implementation

Pilot study

Availability of Alternative

The alternative is available from Avtec Industries Inc.


Type of information supplier

Producer / distributor


Swedish Patent and Registration office

Type of publication and availability

Freely available

Publication source: author, company, institute, year

The document is a patent application. Applicant: Avtec Industries Inc. (US) International Publication Number: WO 2006/017860 Year: 16 February, 2006

Date, reviewed

December 11, 2020