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Substitution von Formamid durch Natriumhydroxid und Ethanol bei der Denaturierung von DNA zur Vorbereitung für die Fluoreszenz-in-situ-Hybridisierung (FISH).

Formamid wird verwendet, um DNA für die Fluoreszenz-in-situ-Hybridisierung (FISH) zu denaturieren. Die Aufgabe des Formamid ist es, die in der Probe enthaltene DNA in die Einzelstränge zu trennen, so dass eine Gensonde an einen Strang binden kann. Die FISH-Technik wird verwendet, um das Vorhandensein oder Fehlen bestimmter DNA-Sequenzen in Chromosomen zu lokalisieren. In den letzten 15 Jahren hat die Uniklinik Sahlgrenska die 70%-ige Formamidlösung durch 30ml einer 1,9%-igen Natriumhydroxidlösung und 70ml absolutem Ethanol (99,5%) substituiert.

Die Substitution funktioniert gut, und die Angestellten haben keine bestimmten Einschränkungen durch die Alternative festgestellt.

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Carbon dioxide as alternative to sterilization using ethylene oxide

Ethylene oxide is a disinfectant used in different sectors such as food industry. It is classified as carcinogen, mutagen and reproductive toxicant of category 1B. It may be substituted by different other less hazardous chemicals or technologies. Carbon dioxide may be used as an effective and less toxic alternative.

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Substitution of formamide with sodium hydroxide and ethanol in denaturation of DNA in the preparation of fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH)

Formamide is used to denature DNA in Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH). The specific purpose of the formamide is to make the DNA in the sample single stranded, which allows a probe to bind into the remaining strand. The FISH technique is a method used to locate the presence or absence of specific sequences of DNA in chromosomes.

For the past 15 years the department for clinical genetics at Sahlgrenska University Hospital has substituted the 70% solution of formamide with 30 ml of 1.9% solution of sodium hydroxide and 70 ml of absolute ethanol (99,5%). The substitution works well and the staff has not noticed any specific limitations with the alternative.

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Substitution of dichloromethane in the analysis of pesticide residue

In analysis of pesticide residues cyclohexane, ethylacetate, tert. butyl methyl ether, diethylether and light petroleum are tried as alternatives to dichloromethane. Conclusively cyclohexane, light petroleum or tert. butyl methyl ether is recommended in the article . Of these three recommended substances, light petroleum and tert. butyl methyl ether is included in the database of hazardous substances according to SUBSPORTplusS screening criteria (SDSC).

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Extraction of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API’s) and other active organic compounds with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide.

Supercritical Fluid Technology utilizing carbon dioxide is highly suitable for extraction of non-polar and low-polar small compounds. The technology allows for organic solvent free extraction at low temperatures, protecting sensitive agents from processing damage.

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SUBSPORTplus Specific Substances Alternatives Assessment – Bisphenol A

Bisphenol A is one the 10 specific substances or substance groups for which a detailed alternatives assessment has been performed by SUBSPORTplus according to a common methodology. In this document the hazard profile and identified uses of bisphenol A can be found as well as the identification, assessment and comparison of alternatives for three of its uses.

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Evaluation, selection and criteria for creating the case stories

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