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Replacement of bisphenol A in food and beverage packing

Bisphenol A can be replaced with polyamide, a resin based on oil extracted from plants or isosorbide depending on the application.

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Alternative for per- and polyfluorinated chemicals on functional coating fabric and the phase out approach

As part of the ZDHC commitment by 2020, “…eliminate the use of all per- and poly-fluorinated compounds (PFCs) from all products sells by Jan 2015”, C&A started “PFCs Ban“ project from 2012 . This case will show the approach how C&A worked with one of the chemical suppliers and major functional fabric suppliers on the PFCs ban pilot by alternative chemical with fully evaluation on process, safety and cost.

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Treating head lice naturally

In many schools and nurseries head louse alarm is regularly signalled. The use of chemicals such as malathion, permethrin and lindane is more dangerous for the health care staff and children because of louses."die umweltberatung" Österreich (Austrian Eco Counselling) had collected and tested alternatives.

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Bio-pitch as replacement for coal tar in the production of electrodes

Bio-pitch can be mixed with char-coal to obtain electrodes. The study presents results of tests carried out with bio-pitch electrodes obtained under various conditions from eucalyptus oil.

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Ethyl lactate and methyl soyate as bio based alternatives to chlorinated and other petroleum based solvents

Bio based solvents can replace petroleum derived solvents in various applications like adhesives and coating, inks and cleaning products.

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Fassadenreinigung mit Hilfe von Trockeneisstrahlung für die Restaurierung von Denkmälern in Prag

Fassadenreinigung kann mit Hilfe von Chemikalien oder durch das Abstrahlen mit verschiedenen Mitteln erreicht werden. Die chemische Reinigung erfolgt oft mit gefährlichen Stoffen, wie Dichlormethan oder Methylpyrrolidon. Sandstrahlung ist auf Grund von kristallinem Siliziumdioxid, ein karzinogener Stoff, gefährlich. Das Abstrahlen mit Trockeneis könnte eine sicherere Alternative sein. Ein Beispiel der Verwendung bei der Restaurierung alter Monumente in Prag wird vorgestellt.

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Lithium Ion battery for portable defibrillators

Lithium ion batteries are an alternative to those based on nickel and cadmium (NiCd). Medical equipment, like portable defibrillators, is still allowed by EU legislation to use NiCd batteries but producers of newer equipment have already turned to lithium based alternatives.

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Facade cleaning using dry ice blasting for monument restoration in Prague

Facade cleaning may be performed with chemicals or by using blasting with various media. Chemical cleaning is often done with hazardous substances like dichloromethane or methyl pyrrolidone. Sandblasting is hazardous due to the crystalline silica, a carcinogen. Using dry ice blasting may be a safer alternative. An example of its use in restoring ancient Prague monuments is presented.

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SUBSPORTplus Specific Substances Alternatives Assessment – Bisphenol A

Bisphenol A is one the 10 specific substances or substance groups for which a detailed alternatives assessment has been performed by SUBSPORTplus according to a common methodology. In this document the hazard profile and identified uses of bisphenol A can be found as well as the identification, assessment and comparison of alternatives for three of its uses.

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A potential alternative to the use of Bisphenol A as a colour developer in thermal paper.

The Jegrelius Institute initiated a project in 2011 which was aimed at evaluating several alternatives to Bisphenol A (BPA) used as a colour developer in thermal paper that was being supplied by companies. One part of the project was to investigate what compound companies used instead of BPA in paper manufactured as bisphenol-free. After the project one likely candidate which was not a bisphenol-type compound was identified; Pergafast 201.

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Evaluation, selection and criteria for creating the case stories

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