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Im nationalen Zentrum für Gesundheitsdaten und Seuchenschutz in Dänemark (SSI) ausgeführte Substitutionen.

SSI hat es geschafft, Borsäure, Ethidiumbromid und Ether durch Essigsäure, einen nicht-mutagenen DNA-Farbstoff und Natriumhydroxid zu substituieren. Derzeit wird an der Bewertung einer Alternative zu Trypanblau in der Zellfärbung gearbeitet.

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Entfernung von Kontaktkleber in Bootskabinen

Bei der Reparatur oder Erneuerung der Verkleidung in Kabinen von Segelbooten ist es schwierig, alten Kontaktkleber zu entfernen. Oft werden Lösungsmittel wie Xylol oder Aceton verwendet. Eine auf Pflanzenölen basierende Alternative wird vorgestellt.

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Cleaning of tools used for polyester resin with propylene carbonate as alternative to acetone

A plastic boat producer used very volatile and highly flammable acetone to clean tools that came in contact with polystyrene resin. Substituting acetone with propylene carbonate reduced consumption by ten times and diminished considerably the fire and explosion risks.

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Substitutions performed at the National Centre for Health Data and Disease Control in Denmark (SSI)

SSI have managed to substitute boric acid, ethidium bromide and ether with acetic acid, a non-mutagenic DNA dye and sodium hydroxide. They are currently working on validation of an alternative to Trypan Blue in cell staining.

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Removal of contact glue in boat cabins

When repairing or renewing lining in cabins of sailing boat it is hard to remove old contact glue. Often solvents as xylene or acetone are used. An alternative based on vegetable oil is presented.

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Safer Alternatives to Solvent Aerosol Automotive Cleaning Products

This is a report from a study with the aim to identify products for automotive cleaning that functions well and that contain low or no amounts of volatile organic compounds (VOC). The alternatives tested included acetone and a soy based product. This project could identify a number of cleaners with zero or low content of VOC, who functioned as well as or better than the high VOC cleaners.

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Also of interest

Evaluation, selection and criteria for creating the case stories

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