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Extraction of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API’s) and other active organic compounds with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide.

Supercritical Fluid Technology utilizing carbon dioxide is highly suitable for extraction of non-polar and low-polar small compounds. The technology allows for organic solvent free extraction at low temperatures, protecting sensitive agents from processing damage.

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Life cycle assessment of three paints

An assessment of environmental and occupational health impacts of a powdered paint, a solvent based paint and a water-based paint showed that xylene, titanium dioxide and TGIC are first priority to substitute. Beta hydroxy alkylamide is suggested as an alternative for TGIC . No successful chemical alternative for xylene was found, but other water based paint systems could be used. No alternative to titanium dioxide was suggested.

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Substitution of toluene, xylene and naphtha as solvents for cleaning tools in garages

This case study describes the substitution of Safety Clean (a universal solvent consisting of toluene, xylene, naphtha and other ingredients). The degreasing agent was used in a garage for cleaning work tools.

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Removal of contact glue in boat cabins

When repairing or renewing lining in cabins of sailing boat it is hard to remove old contact glue. Often solvents as xylene or acetone are used. An alternative based on vegetable oil is presented.

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Sealing compound used in industrial production

In a factory a product with classified ingredient substances was used earlier as a sealing compound and filler. These substances had a high potential risk in connection to allergenic reactions and one of them was also known as carcinogenic. The product is now substituted to a product without any classified ingredients.

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Fire-resistant and flame proof coating for polymeric thermoplastics and thermoset resins.

A surface coating consisting of fire retarding and smoke suppressing constituents dispersed in an essentially non-toxic, water based adhesive binder. The entire invention therefore consists of six different functional groups which respective functions will be explained below, the different groups are: catalyst/initiator, expendable graphite, source of carbon which additionally forms water, a blowing agent, cement and ceramics.

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Evaluation, selection and criteria for creating the case stories

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