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Eine Alternative zu Phthalaten: Neuartiger Weichmacher für Kunststoffe hergestellt aus Rizinusöl und Essigsäure

Danisco hat erfolgreich einen biobasierten Kunststoffweichmacher auf der Basis von Rizinusöl und Essigsäure entwickelt. Studien zufolge hat das Produkt keine nachteiligen Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit oder die Umwelt und hat Verwendung in der Produktion von Lebensmittelverpackungen, medizinischem Equipment und Kinderspielzeug gefunden. Neuartige Anwendungen werden getestet, eine davonist Vinylfußboden.

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Fire-resistant and flame proof coating for polymeric thermoplastics and thermoset resins.

A surface coating consisting of fire retarding and smoke suppressing constituents dispersed in an essentially non-toxic, water based adhesive binder. The entire invention therefore consists of six different functional groups which respective functions will be explained below, the different groups are: catalyst/initiator, expendable graphite, source of carbon which additionally forms water, a blowing agent, cement and ceramics.

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An alternative to phthalates: Novel plastic softener produced from castor oil and acetic acid

Danisco has successfully developed a bio-based plastic softener on the basis of castor oil and acetic acid. According to studies the product shows no adverse effect on human health or the environment, and has found applications in production of food wrapping, medical equipment and children’s toys. Novel applications are being tested, one of them being vinyl flooring.

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Evaluation, selection and criteria for creating the case stories

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