
Regulations can provide incentives for substitution or show the need for it.

Close-Up view of entry "legislation" in a  dictionary
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This section of the SUBSPORTplus website contains resumes of legislation and international agreements that are relevant to substitution, whether they refer to it directly or are closely related.

This section of the SUBSPORTplus website is intended to help users to:

  • get an overview of the legal approach of substitution, mainly in the European Union, but also with some examples of legislation from other countries,
  • identify legislation that is relevant to substitution,
  • have easy access to the original legislation text and to other related documents by providing links to them,
  • decide if they have to comply with the described legislation,
  • focus on direct information on substitution by presenting in detail those paragraphs containing such information,
  • notice the relevance to substitution of the legal text by presenting a short SUBSPORTplus point of view.

Please read the instruction how to use this section before proceeding

This website section presents summaries of legislation that are meant for information only. The summaries have no legal value.

The summaries are focused on provisions regarding substitution of hazardous substances. Therefore information is not presented according to its general importance but to the relevance for the website topic. For complete information please use the original documents.

The selection of legislation is representative for EU but should not be considered complete, other laws may still have some relevance to substitution.

Terms are used as defined in each legislation item. For a precise terminology definition, please check the original document.

On the SUBSPORT website only the term substitution is used (see definition in the glossary) but other synonym words or equivalent expressions may be used by different legislative items.

Although an update of data published on the SUBSPORTplus website is made periodically, users are advised to check the actuality of the legislation documents as well as of other legislation items mentioned in it.

National legislation

Not all European legislation is directly applicable. While EU-Regulations are directly binding in the member states, EU-Directives have to be implemented nationally. If you want to know how EU-Directives are transposed in the EU member states, the following portal will help you to find the EU national legislation.


To see definitions of the used terms, go to the glossary.