Since 2018, the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) has been responsible for the content maintenance and further development of the SUBSPORTplus portal.
In principle, the portal is aimed at all interested parties who handle hazardous substances, e.g. import, manufacture or process them, and who deal with questions on substitution.
The originally developed SUBSPORTplus databases, information and instruments on substitution are central components of the portal, which will be further maintained and developed.
A new thematic focus from 2020 is Good practice. Here, priorities on safe handling of substances where substitution is currently not possible.
The European Commission published the Chemical Strategy on Sustainability in October 2020, forshadowing changes and chances for substitution to find safe(r) and sustainable alternatives. SUBSPORTplus will adapt accordingly in order to support a fast distribution of relevant information and solutions.
SUBSPORTplus keeps you up to date with news on substitution and provides information on events for exchange, networking and learning about alternatives and procedures for substitution.
SUBSPORTplus would like to develop a network of actors who are actively involved in substitution. This network should support further development and dissemination of the Portal, as well as ensure a continuous updating and maintenance of the Portal.