TNO Webinar: The future of chemicals is Safe and Sustainable by Design




Join the webinar "The Future of Chemicals is Safe and Sustainable by Design," hosted by TNO (Dutch Organisation for Applied Scientific Research) and VNCI (Royal Association of the Dutch Chemical Industry). Learn about TNO's innovative approach, VNCI's vision, and practical insights from companies implementing SSbD.

Safe and Sustainable by Design

TNO is encouraging companies to embrace Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) methods, and advocates collaborating on a Decision Support Approach to effectively balance risks and benefits in the initial product development stages.

Want to learn more?

  • 1 October, TNO and VNCI organise the webinar ’The future of chemicals is Safe and Sustainable by Design’. The Royal Association of the Dutch Chemical Industry (VNCI) promotes the collective interests of the chemical industry in the Netherlands.
  • In the webinar, TNO's innovative approach and VNCI’s vision on SSbD will be presented.
  • Companies reflect on how to put Safe and Sustainable by Design in practice and share their experiences.
  • After registration, the webinar can be watched on demand.
  • Language: English
  • Costs: free


Further information (Program and Registration):