Online training on analysis of alternatives

  • Date 2020-01-15

The online course has been developed by the University of Massachusetts Lowell in cooperation with ECHA, and will provide information on emerging standards of practice and give examples of useful methods and tools for assessing alternatives. The training is not exclusive to the REACH authorisation context, but rather targets those working on sustainable chemicals management in a broader sense – whether in national authority, industry, or a non-governmental organisation.

During the online course, participants will learn how to make informed chemicals management decisions when substituting hazardous substances. The training is structured as follows:


Session 1: Scoping the assessment

Session 2: Identifying and screening alternatives

Session 3: Hazard and exposure

Session 4: Cost and technical performance

Session 5: Making and implementing decisions

The course will be subscription based but free-of-charge, meaning that there is a limited number of participants who can take the course simultaneously. You can indicate your interest in taking the course by filling the expression of interest form. Participants will receive a time-limited subscription to the online learning platform once the training is published in January 2020.

More information here: