UBA warns against slow-to-degrade and mobile chemicals

  • Date 2023-10-30

Water resources must be better protected

Slow-to-degrade, mobile and partly toxic chemicals, so-called PMT/vPvM substances, can endanger our water resources over a long period of time. That is why the German Environment Agency – in line with the European chemicals regulation REACH – is calling for emissions of such substances into the environment to be minimised. The urgent need for action is shown by four new UBA studies, including one on water analyses in 13 drinking water catchment areas. With this in mind, the UBA is also publishing a list of 259 such PMT/vPvM substances (https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/en/publikationen/prioritised-pmtvpvm-substances-in-the-reach) and calling on the chemical industry to take immediate action.

More information can be found here: UBA: Press release, 05.09.2023