Recordings and presentations online: Workshop for substitution of targeted hazardous chemicals

  • Date 2024-03-08

On 1 March 2024, the European Commission organised a workshop to discuss the study 'Strengthening the role of substitution planning in the context of REACH and other EU chemicals legislation'.

The event took place at the Commission premises in Brussels. Participants joined either in person or virtually.

Further information (Recordings, presentations, the agenda and a background document) can be found here:

Workshop for Substitution of targeted hazardous chemicals


Helsinki Chemicals Forum, 10–11 April 2024, Helsinki

10 April 2024, 15.50-17.20

Panel 2: How can substitution planning help to create regulatory certainty, promote investments in safer alternatives and speed up the substitution of the most harmful chemicals?

Moderated by Otto Linher Senior expert at the European Commission, DG Growth, REACH Unit

Panelists: Simon Cogen, Expert, Sustainable Economy Unit, Ministry Economic Affairs Belgium, Christel Davidson, DUCC, Anne-Sophie Bäckar, Executive Director, Chemsec and Joel Tickner, Executive Director, Change Chemistry