New rules enter into force for a more sustainable and competitive packaging economy

  • Date 2025-02-25

On 11 February 2025, the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) entered into force with new measures to further tackle the environmental challenges caused by excessive packaging. The regulation is designed to significantly cut greenhouse gas emissions, water use and environmental costs in the packaging industry.

In parallel, it will create opportunities for recycling and sustainability sectors.

The new measures aim to develop a single market for waste, secondary and reusable materials; promote recycling; and reduce dependency on primary resources. They include promoting reuse and refill as alternatives to single-use packaging and improving consumer information. Packaging will be more sustainable and enable consumers to reuse and sort their packaging waste more effectively, with solutions customised to the specific needs of Member States and businesses. The regulation will thus enhance resource efficiency and boost the circular use of materials.

By offering new business opportunities, the regulation will generate jobs and drive innovation in packaging solutions. It will also increase efficiency in the recycling sector. Additionally, restrictions on certain hazardous substances will protect consumer health and the environment.

The Commission will now focus on the implementation of the new regulation.

Source: Directorate-General for Environment, News, 11 February 2025


Further information:


  • ECHA takes on new role to improve safety of packaging materials, news, 11 February 2025

DG Environment:

  • Packaging waste
    EU rules on packaging and packaging waste, including design and waste management.
  • On 16 December 2024, DG Environment organised an online stakeholder event to prepare for the implementation of and smooth transition to the new rules.
    Find a recording and slides from the event here