Individual substance lists

Information on the lists in the database of restricted and priority substances


Substance Database according to SUBSPORTplus Screening Criteria (SDSC)

International Agreements

Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
OSPAR List of Chemicals of Possible Concern
OSPAR List of Chemicals for Priority Action

EU Regulatory Lists

EU REACH: Candidate List
EU REACH: Authorisation List
EU REACH: Restriction List
EU BPR: List of non-approved substances under the Biocidal Products Regulation
EU Cosmetics: List of prohibited substances in Annex II
EU Water Framework Directive, List of Priority Substances
EU Regulation on Persistent Organic Pollutants
EU RoHS Directive
EU Cancer Directive
EU Prior Inform Consent Regulation

Governmental Lists

KEMI: PRIO Database - List of Phase-Out Substances
Canadian Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Priority Substances List
United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA): Extremely Hazardous Substances List
Master List of the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA)
Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Act (TURA) Chemicals List
California Proposition 65 List
UBA--Umweltbundesamt-Prioritised PMT/vPvM substances in the REACH registration database
GDA Work Programme "Safe Handling of Carcinogenic Hazardous Substances"

NGO or Trade Union Lists

Trade Union Priority List for REACH Authorisation
International Chemical Secretariat (ChemSec): SIN List
ETUI's list of hazardous medicinal products (HMPs)

Company or Sector Lists

Boots: Priority Substances List, Materials Restricted for Use
Dell: Restricted Materials Guidance Document
Volvo's Grey List - Chemical Substances whose use within the Volvo Group shall be limited
Volvo’s Black List - Chemical Substances which must not be used within the Volvo Group
Global Automotive Declarable Substance List (GADSL)
BSSL Bluesign System Substances List
OEKO-TEX Standard 100
Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals Programme (ZDHC): Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL)
Vestas Blacklist
SC Johnson Green List
H&M Group: Chemical Restrictions
Nokia Substance List
VKIS-VSI-IGM-BGHM List of substances for cooling lubricants in accordance with DIN 51385 for metalworking

Further Information:

Further lists of substances can be found in the ECHA-Database EUCLEF (EU Chemicals legislation finder). EUCLEF gives you an overview of the European Union’s legislation on chemicals. You can search for information on your substances, find applicable laws and check what obligations you may have. The 5 pieces of legislation in ECHA’s remit (REACH, CLP, BPR, PIC and POPs) are automatically included in EUCLEF.